When She Grows Old…

Very early morning, is still dark out, but I sit with the lights down low… Listening. Did I hear a slight noise, a sniff, a rustling of blankets…I jump to peak in the bedroom door … No movement.  So I tiptoe back to my quiet listening spot, not to awaken my sleeping angel… My mother.

I remember doing this before… thirty some years ago, with my first born.  In fact, I remember doing so much of this with my own children.  Dressing them each day, loading the toothbrush with paste and encouraging them to get every tooth, brushing their hair.

I remember holding them steady as their steps wobbled, cutting up bites small enough for them to chew.  And oh, I remember the hugs…I love you hugs that didn’t need words.

All these things I am doing now for my mother.  I am loving her the way I loved my children, but especially, the way she loved me.  My heart aches for her that life has to end this way, but I see the gift that God has given me.  He’s reminded me of how much she loves me and all she has done for me.

To all of you that are walking through this season of caring for your parents, I pray for you.  Soon they will see Jesus, face-to-face.

 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 That is why we are not discouraged. Though outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are renewed day by day. Our suffering is light and temporary and is producing for us an eternal glory that is greater than anything we can imagine.  

About 49andcounting

Hi! I'm a mom, wife, grammy, sister, friend at that OVER 60 age!! (Okay, since I started this a few years ago...well, add a bit to 49andcounting!) How the heck did I get here so fast?!? I love, love, love- my girls, antiques, rural America, history, Jesus, junkin,the lake and my Big Boy...not particularly in that order. It's about time I change this profile a bit. After a year or living in our 5th wheel in beautiful Pennsylvania, My Big Boy and I are back to the Kansas Prairies. And there's just nothing like "Home Sweet Home". Hitting the Big 50 has its own unique, well...let's say...blessings :) So come along, laugh with me...cry with me...praise God with me...and let's do this 49andcounting thing, together!
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6 Responses to When She Grows Old…

  1. Nancy says:

    My mother is now 93. She is still li ing on her own but needs assistance from her 3 daughters. I often do her laundry. I love folding her clothes.

  2. Hugs and lots of love in these precious moments.

  3. Julie says:

    Such beautiful words. It brought tears to my eyes because my mom has been in the nursing home for almost 4 months now. It is so lonely here in the house that I grew up in. Even though my mother is still alive I feel like an orphan. Now I know how parents feel when their kids are all grown up and have left their homes. I am an empty nester! I love you mom with all of my heart!

  4. Suellen Bryan says:


    Sent from my iPhone


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